Thank you for visiting our website. We hope you find it informative and that it helps you discover what so many people already know - Bloomfield Township is one of the finest places to live in the State of Michigan!
We are proud of the extraordinarily high quality of services the Township provides and the low tax rate it assesses. This combination makes the Township unique as well as a highly desirable place to live and work.
As a Charter Township, Bloomfield Township is governed by a seven member Board of Trustees. The board consists of three elected full time administrators, the Supervisor, Clerk and Treasurer, and four part time trustees.
The Board of Trustees generally meets twice per month. It sets government policy, determines types and levels of service to be provided and approves all expenditures of Township funds. The Board is also responsible for establishing ordinances and approving the annual municipal budget.
We are committed to being accessible and attentive to the people we serve. We welcome hearing from our fellow residents and the business community. If you have any questions or concerns about Township issues, please call the Supervisor's Office at 248-433-7708.
In addition, we are always happy to attend neighborhood gatherings and civic meetings to discuss topics of interest and concern. To make arrangements for such a visit, call the number listed above.
We are grateful for the honor the voters of Bloomfield Township have bestowed upon us and pledge to work diligently to uphold their trust.
Mike McCready, Supervisor
Martin C. Brook, Clerk
Michael Schostak, Treasurer
Neal J. Barnett, Trustee
Valerie Murray, Trustee
Christopher Kolinski, Trustee
Mark Antakli, Trustee